Software Information

Information about New Software

N900 is Supported by Nokia Multimedia Transfer

Are you owner of Nokia N900? This latest internet tablet from Nokia had got its update for Nokia Multimedia Transfer or NMT some days ago. Now NMT has supported Maemo OS with its v1.4.2. Nokia Multimedia Transfer is used for helping you transferring pictures, videos, files and other within your Nokia device and Mac.

If you want to download it for free just come here on Unfortunately the available app is the older version so you need to search for update once your NMT has been installed. Just select the ‘search for update’ below setting for newer version.

After this you can automatically sync with iTunes or iPhoto when connected to your computer. Juts click Start transfer or enabled for for “Start transfers automatically when device is connected”.

So, have you done it now?

Microsoft loses i4i appeal, faces Word injunction in three weeks

The US Circuit Court of Appeals in DC has today denied Microsoft's appeal to overturn a court injunction preventing it from selling copies of Microsoft Word (or Office with Word). Those copies contain a feature that a jury last May found infringed upon patents held by i4i, a former Microsoft partner that built Word add-ons for editing XML.

Now, Microsoft says it will be ready to sell revised versions of Word 2007 and Office 2007, beginning next January 11 -- the date the court injunction takes effect.

"With respect to Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Office 2007, we have been preparing for this possibility since the District Court issued its injunction in August 2009 and have put the wheels in motion to remove this little-used feature from these products," reads a statement from the company's director of public affairs, Kevin Kutz, this afternoon. "Therefore, we expect to have copies of Microsoft Word 2007 and Office 2007, with this feature removed, available for U.S. sale and distribution by the injunction date. In addition, the beta versions of Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft Office 2010, which are available now for downloading, do not contain the technology covered by the injunction."

Kutz added that the company is considering a request for a rehearing, though at that point the question may have become moot. Microsoft began patching Word back in October to remove the infringing feature; not surprisingly, very few general users actually noticed. The offending XML editing feature does not appear in the Beta 1 version of Office 2010, and probably never will.

The official disposition of the Appeals Court was not yet available at the time of this writing (typically during the holiday season, posting documents takes place more slowly). However, it's believed that the original $200 million award for i4i, with interest attached, is now valued at $290 million.

Now that Word will be minus an XML authoring tool, the add-on market for such tools could regenerate. Recently, i4i announced version 3.1 of its latest XML authoring tool add-on for Word, called x4o. The tool enables businesses that must create documents to specific standards -- especially government agencies -- to tailor XML templates for themselves. Those templates enable Word to edit documents using, for the most part, the ordinary word processor, and then save them to the exacting standards they require.

Microsoft saw this as a worthy feature as early as 2001. But then it apparently learned that i4i had a patent for software capable of editing XML schemas separately from XML documents. As i4i claimed last summer, Microsoft proceeded to circulate memoranda among i4i's customers in an effort to generate interest in a Microsoft-only alternative, effectively using i4i's customer base to build its own. Microsoft's defense had been that it and i4i had developed that customer base together, that offering an alternative was essentially pro-competitive (even if it was built into Word), and that i4i only decided to complain when it couldn't keep up its end of the competition -- a defense that evidently failed, in the opinion of the Appeals Court panel.

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Do You Want to Use iSync Plug-In for Your Symbian Phone?

Finally the Nokia users have got what they may hope. Yes, iSync now can be used on Symbian OS smartphone. This time the tested phone are Nokia N97 Mini as well as Nokia X6.

For you who still question what iSync is, so it is an app like ActiveSync that usually met on Mac. This app is created by Apple. The function is for synchronizing data within iCal and Address Book and Mac as well as various devices.

Previously, iSync for Symbian is not available before Nokia releases this iSync plug-in for Symbian. Now you can synchronize data within Mac and your Symbian smartphone as well as manage your contact and diary entry in iCal.

ISync will make your work easier in updating and downloading the update to your smartphone or Mac. Although the Windows user may not be so surprise with this news but Mac user will be happy.

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Software Developers: Add A "check For Update" Feature To Your Software Applications

Today's rapid product cycles, security vulnerabilities and short turnaround times make it more important than ever to get new software versions into the hands of users quickly and efficiently. The Internet has created a highly competitive market where users expect immediate results; the prize often goes to the company that reacts the most quickly to changes in user needs and perceptions. In order to streamline software deployment, it is becoming increasingly desirable for software authors to incorporate automated updating abilities into their software.

1. What Is Automatic Software Updating?
Automated updating is the ability of software to handle some or all of the update process so the user doesn't have to. The update process consists of all the steps required to determine whether a newer version exists for a given piece of software, as well as all the steps required to bring an older version up to date. Automating the update process allows software to keep itself current after it has been deployed to users.

2. Who Benefits from Automatic Updates?
Software developers, network administrators and end-users alike share in the benefits of Internet updated enabled software. Developers appreciate it for the control it gives them over software that has already been deployed. Network administrators benefit from improved security and better control of network nodes. End-users see live update enabled software as an assurance of quality-a symbol that the developer is there to stand behind their product.

Any company who develops software applications or distributes data needs to add automatic updating to their applications. Any organization that needs to ensure its network is secure and updated with the latest patches needs automated software updating.

Ensuring that everyone is using the most recent point release of a particular package makes good sense. It eliminates legacy technical support calls, and corresponding user frustration. It ensures that data is current. It also serves to maintain customer satisfaction. And that's something everyone can appreciate.

3. What's Wrong With Manual Software Update Methods?
One of the most serious problems with traditional update methods is that they require users to do most of the work. The problem with relying on an update process that demands too much user involvement is obvious; the users might decide it isn't worth the hassle to keep their systems up to date. This results in a higher incidence of legacy support issues, more security holes and other related problems. Additionally, when users don't update, they don't benefit from bug fixes and product improvements. Automatic software update systems help solve all of these problems.

4. What Can You Do With An Automatic Software Updating System?
Software products and network clients that have been auto-update enabled can quickly and efficiently determine if they are out of date. Embedding into a software product makes it extremely easy to manage, control and update "in the field". Likewise, deploying a TrueUpdate client to computer systems throughout your network gives you a fast and manageable way to ensure that each node is current with the latest patches, documents and data that your company requires.

5. Why Add Automatic Updating To Your Software Applications?
In a traditional release cycle, once your application or data files are released to customers, clients or other end-users, they are static, expensive and time-consuming to alter. However, once you distribute an automated update client with your application, you'll be able to easily update your product or data as often as you require.

From the developer's point of view, when a new software release is available-perhaps a bug has been fixed-an automated software updating system makes it trivial to publish the changes and bring all of your users up to date. The next time the user runs the application, the Internet update client will detect that a new release is available and take steps to handle it.

Final Words...
Today's software users are savvy; they demand responsiveness from software companies and they want tools that meet their needs and make them more productive. In order to maintain customer loyalty and maximize the user's experience with your software, you need to make updating your software as easy as possible. In any case, the benefits include lower technical support costs, faster time-to-market, more frequent bug fixes, hassle-free security updates and quicker feature additions.

From a software development perspective, it's easy to add these benefits to your applications. There are excellent software development tools available for adding a sophisticated software updating and patch management solutions to both software products and network infrastructure. Whether you're a software developer needing to add a "Check for Update" feature to your program, or you're a network administrator wanting to automate the detection and application of system patches to hundreds or thousands of computer systems in your organization, the value will far outweigh the upfront costs.

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